2014. április 4., péntek

Pick My Brains for Money

Adult Toys and Incontinence

An online writer should be flexible. This sometimes mean that you have to write about things that you have no clue about. For example: wicker baskets. Or Incontinence products. Well, that was one of my least favorite one of all. Lasted for a few weeks, then I had to hand the project back to the customer, saying that they cannot pay me enough to lose all that weight. I literally couldn't eat, had a bad tummy all the time. When it comes to topics, you cannot pick your own. Except... I refused a website job once that was about adult toys.

Do You Have to Be Smarter than the Customer?

In many cases, yes. If they could write it themselves they wouldn't hire you. I have done several e-books in the past, when the client had the clear idea what they wanted but didn't know how. To be honest, these days, many of my customers barely speak English. I mean as long as they pay on time I don't mind. Welcome to the global economy!

The Learning Process

Even if initially you are not smarter than the client, in the end you have to be.If you are not willing to educate yourself, you should not choose this profession. Some topics you will enjoy, others will be boring and it is your job to make it look interesting. One of my favorite things to write about is travel. I have done several Costa Rica travel sites and fell in love with the country. I will retire there one day, buy an organic coffee farm and have a pet toucan. If I will ever have the time for writing that bestseller. Not that there is any chance for that in the near future. 

Until next time.... 

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